Welcome to Scots Pine

This term in Scots Pine Class we are learning about a variety of things that link to “flourishing”. In Science we are learning about materials and their properties. In Geography and History we are learning about our local area, how it is mapped and some of our local flourishing from history. In Art we are learning about Jeff Koons to inspire our own collaged painting pieces. And in DT and computing we are using electrical systems and programming knowledge to make robots carryout specific tasks.

Below you can find this terms class timetable, the books we will be reading on our reading journey, and our termly Class Letter. For further information on what we are covering this term, please see our Class Letter and for weekly updates on what we have been learning please look on Class Dojo.  

Please do not hesitate to contact the main office if you wish to speak to me or arrange a meeting. You are also able to message me directly using ClassDojo or via the office.

Mrs England

Information for all year

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term




Please ensure your child is reading on a daily basis, with a comment and page number recorded in the reading record. If your child is reading independently this can be completed by them. Please also listen to your child read at least once a week.


Spellings will be given out on a Monday in preparation for a test on the following Friday.  Children should practise their spellings daily.

Maths - Times Table Rock Stars

Each week the children will be set 20 minutes of a specific game.

Reading - Rockerbox News

Each week the children will be set at least one article to read and answer questions on. They can definitely read other articles too!


Other pieces of homework will be set when relevant to our lessons, the children will always have at least a week to complete these pieces of home work. Additional information for these pieces will be added to our class story on ClassDojo.


PE is currently on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure that your child’s kit is named clearly. Earrings must be removed for all P.E. lessons and long hair tied back. We expect that children’s kits are always in school and kits will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed.

Helping your child at home

Recapping and revising key facts (such as multiplication facts) for maths at home is incredibly useful and makes a huge impact on their learning in the classroom.

Useful resources:   

  • Hit the Button – practicing times table facts and questions, division facts and questions, square numbers and number bonds (make 100) fluently is essential.

  • Bitesize for Year 5 and Year 6 Maths is a great resource for recapping topics at home.

  • Bitesize spelling rules to support spelling practice and understanding rules.